Wolverhampton City Life

Written in Wolverhampton, serving the people and businesses of the City and surrounding areas.

About Wolverhampton City Life

We hope you enjoy reading the bi-monthly, Wolverhampton City Life.  The aim is to bring together all parts of the community of this fascinating and historic city.

We want the magazine to be interesting, informative, thought provoking, humorous and entertaining.  Tell us what you think on our Facebook page – keep it clean though please.

Us proud Wulfrunians have a wealth of knowledge and each issue will hopefully, bring out some tales of heartache and happiness, success and failure.

We want to take you on a journey to find out more about the person in your road.  To help you appreciate and understand what happens in the factory down the road and the shop in the High Street.

In each edition, we’ll tell you what your Mayor has been up to recently, plus there’s features on several local community groups such as Wolverhampton Sea Cadets, The City’s Fairtrade shop and much more.

There’s a page of useful telephone numbers (please tell us any we’ve missed) and often a poem from Black Country Poet, Trevor Johnson.

We’d like photos of people enjoying a day or night out celebrating a birthday or anniversary, so please send us some or invite us along to take them for you.

We’ll have competitions, and a letters page where you can share your views, poems, jokes or to show thanks for a kind deed – please write in or e-mail and give your opinion. We need you to contribute!!

This magazine is for you, so give us your feedback/suggestions/ideas and we will try and include them in future issues.

Finally, please take time to look at the adverts from the businesses in this area – without them, there is no magazine, so please support them!

Enjoy your read!

Interested in advertising in our magazines? Get in touch!

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